[IRW Aylhr] Penumbra - SD242301.29 [Backlog] - Promotion - Riov Rhae'go tr'Neyl

A Mission Post by Riov Rhaego tr'Neyl
Mission: Penumbra
Location: IRW Kholhr
Timeline: 20 years - 3 months

[Ch'Rihan, Ahai]

The market was teeming with people. In the distance dark clouds were lingering and Rhae'go felt like it would rain soon. He made his way to the main Hlai butcher, the older Rihannsu was helping a young woman when he turned and looked at Rhae'go smiling "ahh! Rhae'go!" He smiled brightly, handed the young woman a folded parchment of meat and waved her away. "What can I do for you? How long has it been boy?"

Rhae'go smiled "four years? How have you been Uncle Vaebn?" He spoke as his eyes scanned over the skinned hlai strewn on hooks behind the butcher. A cool breeze washed over his back and he could smell the salt of the Apnex sea.

"Oh, it looks like a storm is brewing on the ocean." Vaebn said with a big smile and pulled one of the hlai carcasses off a hook "so what have you been doing? I believe Eviess was telling me that you are now a Galae officer? Important, no? Like your mother?" He chuckled and grabbed the cleaver on the table next to him. With one fell swoop he hacked through the Hlai's think neck and then tossed the head into a refuse bin hidden under the table.

"Not quite that important." Rhae'go chuckled, though his heart dropped slightly knowing that his mother just resigned as Galae'EnRiov after being injured during the battle against the Jem'Hadar. "I was recently serving as Daise'Paectum aboard the IRW Okhala, but through the element's blessing, I was just promoted to the Leih of the IRW Kholhr. A small patrol vessel, nothing of much importance, I assure you."

"Leih?!" The butcher set down the cleaver and clapped his hands "amazing! You will be as famous as your mother soon no?" He laughed and picked the cleaver back up and began hacking at the Hlai, pulling out organs, and removing large sections of meat. "Eviess already called me and told me what you need, so give me a moment and I'll get it to you shortly!"

Rhae'go smiled at the elderly man. He remembered going to the market with the servants frequently when he was a child. Uncle Vaebn, as he would call him affectionately, would often measure him by making a mark on the wooden post behind his stall to show his growth. "Do you mind Uncle?" Rhae'go gestured to the back of the stall at the old post with several divots in it.

"Ah, no, not at all! You are much taller now huh" He laughed as he hacked away at the carcass and pulled pieces of it apart stretching out long sinews of fat as he did so. Walking over to the post Rhae'go ran his hands over it, gently tracing the marks as he remembered each one being made in the post. The second to last one brought back a vivid memory of his father. It was made just after his father had died in service. He had been crying frequently and Eviess brought him with her to the market. Everyone would tell him how proud he should be and some even scolded him for crying. His father had died in service to the Empire after all, he should be proud. He hated all of them. Except Uncle Vaebn. Instead Vaebn patted him on the head and brought him to wooden post. He made another divot with his cleaver and said "you will remember this day young Rhae'go. When you are well beyond this mark, you will be a man, and this pain you feel now will shape you. Death, as much as we hate it, will come for us all."

"That is does." Rhae'go whispered.

"Hmm?" Uncle Vaebn looked at him and smirked. In front of him were several folded parchments of meat "all done. Do you want me to make a new mark for you? You can remember this moment when you became a Leih next time you are here!" He laughed and walked next to Rhae'go. "Here, stand against the post!" He used his hand on Rhae'go's shoulder to guide him against the post and then carefully slid the cleaver over the top of his raven hair and gently worked it into the wood. When he finished, he stepped back "remember this moment. The next time you come you will be truly famous!"

"Maybe." Rhae'go laughed. "Though, I don't think I will ever rise to-" He stopped and turned, hearing a large explosion in the distance. Thunder? No, that was not thunder. The concussion shook everyone in the market and caused several of Vaebn's tools and cleavers to fall from their hang nails. On the horizon a giant black plume of smoke slowly wafted up into the darkening clouds.

"Not good." Vaebn said and grabbed the parchments of meat and slid them into a paper bag handing it to Rhae'go "get home, the rain will soon be here, and elements knows what that just was."

Rhae'go nodded and hurried from the market. As he made his way home, he noticed the direction of the smoke was near his home. The closer he became the bigger the plume and uncertainty gave way to anxiety. When he finally reached his family's estate, he could see the blown-out remnants of the antient stone towers as massive plumes of black smoke poured out while bright orange fires raged everywhere. Several flitters were parked outside the main gate and he stopped and stared in shock at the scene. Mo…MOTHER!" He screamed and dropped the paper bag. He started running for the gate but was stopped by someone grabbing his arm and pulling him back. Just then the dark clouds above let loose a heavy torrent. Big heavy drops of rain began pelting him as he yelled uncontrollably. "Let me go!" He yelled at the person holding him.

"It's too late Rhae'go! Everyone is gone!" He turned and realized it was his mother's lieutenant, Ta'Diann Commander Khre'Riov Gwui t'Knei, holding onto him. She wrapped her arms around him "everything is gone. I'm sorry." As the rain soaked through his clothes he felt his body go limp and he fell to his knees.

Nearby he heard someone. His rain and tear-soaked eyes could barely make them out beyond the blur. "Who knew Ameh'ah t'Neyl would become a vang'radam. She killed so many Zorek officials." Vang'radam? Are they calling my mother a traitor? No…no…NO! He pushed t'Knei and stood up stumbling through the rain to the person and then lifted his right hand and punched them. They stumbled backwards against the flitter's rain-soaked window.

"Galae'EnRiov tr'Verelan!" Someone shouted.

Galae'EnRiov? Rhae'go looked at his fist in shock.

[IRW Kholhr, Leih's Quarters]

Sitting up in the bed Rhae'go could feel perspiration beading against his forehead and used the back of his hands to wipe them away. His breath was heavy and stood up allowing the covers to slip off his bare body. He walked over to the wide windows of his personal quarters and looked out at the IRW Nei'rrh that moved alongside the Kholhr. The larger D'Hatham class ship appeared to radiate a rustic gold against the orangish red glow of large Red Giant they were both orbiting.

"Did you have another dream? I heard you talking in your sleep." D'Nal stepped out of the bed and walked slightly behind him and placed his hands on both of Rhae'go's shoulders. Gently messaging them he sighed "twenty years later and you still dream about that moment."

"It is not easily forgotten." Rhae'go said. He was tempted to pull away from D'Nal but relaxed and allowed him to continue "when one has been exiled and forgotten in the wretched eastern empire, there are few things to take ones mind off such things."

"Except me of course?" D'Nal laughed, but it was a light and gentle sound, he was trying hard not to seem mocking. Rhae'go smiled gently and placed his right hand over D'Nal's on his left shoulder "indeed. One of the few good things of being abandoned here."

"I wasn't going to say, since I know you would scold me. But I cannot keep quiet about it."

Rhae'go turned and looked at D'Nal "oh?" His brow raised as his eyes squinted suspiciously at his former RS "what have you done now?"

"You know that recently the Leih position aboard the new Aylhr became available?"

"I heard about it…" Rhae'go said, his voice trailing off as he realized what D'Nal did "you did not submit me as a candidate. Did you? Why would you do something so silly D'Nal? You know as well as I do, my name is poison. You might as well have suggested Pi'kard of the Federation."

"Well, I don't believe Pi'kard of the Federation is even a tenth as sexy as you Rhae'go i-Ahai tr'Neyl. Anyways, what's the issue? If anything, they will just throw your name out. However, I did hear that Galae'EnRiov t'Rehu is selecting the candidate herself. Certainly, she will remember the one that saved her that day?" D'Nal smirked.

"I doubt tha…"

The communication panel on the far wall chirped. He had half the mind to ignore it, but that lingering thought that it could be an emergency caused him to walk over to it and press the non-visual command "this is erie'Riov tr'Neyl. What is the matter that cannot wait until later?"

"I'm sorry sir." He could hear Llunih chuckling in the background. His relationship with D'Nal was an open secret on both ships. His crew loved teasing him about his relationship with his former RS. Apparently D'Nal's own crew aboard the Nei'rrh enjoyed the same. He frowned wondering if this was some sort of prank that both crews had come up with. They certainly had been having too much fun the other day after drinking up the ships' ale reserves. Though most of the crew was still aboard the Nei'rrh where there was a lot more space and recreational facilities. Plus, apparently the food was better there. "We are receiving a priority message from I'Rak Prime for you. It is Khre'Riov tr'Nanek."

"tr'Nanek? Shit." Rhae'go turned and grabbed his uniform leggings off the floor and tried to put them on real quick.

"Is everything ok Sir? Should I tell tr'Nanek you will need some time?"

"Everything is fine Llunih." D'Nal said and shook his head at Rhae'go. Pulling the covers off the bed he quickly wrapped them around Rhae'go's shoulders creating a makeshift robe around him. "Just wear this, elements know the old fool hates to be kept waiting." He smirked and scurried to the far washroom until he was out of sight from the viewing panel.

Rhae'go gave D'Nal a wry look as he disappeared and sighed "send the signal to my viewing panel." He said and took a step back. On the screen a sour looking Rihannsu sat behind a polished onyx desk that was empty save for a single ISD that sat flat on it. It was said that tr'Nanek's favorite sport was actually trying to look important. Aside from signing off on things, he preferred the art of not doing any actual work himself. Well, except when he raged about having his time wasted. He was quite famous for that.

Looking across the desk at him, tr'Nanek winced. "What in the elements name are you wearing tr'Neyl?" He snorted "never mind. I have received orders from Ch'Rihan. You have been appointed as the Leih of the Aylhr. You are to make haste to ch'Rihan and take command, Riov."

Rhae'go stared at the screen blankly. "Appointed as Leih of the Aylhr? Wait, Riov?"

"Ah yes, that was the other matter. Apparently, you were promoted during the battle at Dherex but somehow the order was lost until recently. The Galae has reinstated your promotion Riov." He snorted again "congratulations on your appointment to the Aylhr." The look on his face told Rhae'go that he was not happy, but instead confused at this turn of events. Probably as confused as Rhae'go was. "Also, Llunih t'Anaka will take command of the Kholhr. She will continue the ship's patrol mission in the Canmille sector. Instead" he looked at the ISD on the table in front of him "since the IRW Nei'rrh is closest to your position. I will have Riov D'Nal tr'Xibanas escort you to ch'Rihan. Please make ready for immediate departure as soon as they arrive. Bedah."

"Bedah." Rhae'go said as the screen went blank. "What in the elements just happened?"

"A miracle it seems!" D'Nal strolled out of the washroom and laughed. "It looks like we can spend a little more time together." He smirked and walked up to Rhae'go pressing his lips heavily against his. Rhae'go returned it and then pulled away

"Though I do wonder something." Rhae'go said, smirking at D'Nal.

"What's that?"

"I wonder what excuse your crew is going to come up with when you don't answer him immediately."

D'Nal's eyes widened "oh no! I didn't think about that!" He started looking around on the floor for his clothes "well" he looked at Rhae'go "don't just stand there! Helped me get dressed." He grinned and finished with "Riov."

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