[IRW Aylhr] Penumbra - SD242301.27 - [Backlog] Command Conspiracy Pt 2 - Galae'EnRiov Shiarrael t'Rehu

A Mission Post by Riov Rhaego tr'Neyl
Mission: Penumbra
Location: IRW Aylhr
Timeline: 3 Months Previous

[IRW Aylhr, Command Quarters]

Finally free of tr'Maerk, Shiarrael quickly settled into her accommodations aboard the Aylhr as it made its first voyage away from Jezerek since construction. The journey to Ch'Rihan was a symbolic test drive before finally crewing the ship. Which meant she needed to find out who the hell edited her list of candidates. Most likely they had hoped she would not see the alteration, but alas they were too late, and Shiarrael was none too happy. Her finger violently jabbed at the small communication panel in her room "get me a priority line to Ch'Rihan, office of Khre'Riov tr'Haerhru." she demanded.

In the center of the sparse quarters a holographic screen unfolded, its edges glowing transparent emerald. On the screen the image of tr'Haerhru appeared. The older Romulan officer who headed the committee to appoint command officers showed a bit of a surprise at seeing Shiarrael standing in front of him. He gave a quick nod at her, causing his short bowl-cut peppered hair to bounce down over his forehead "Galae'EnRiov, what do I owe the plea-"

"Enough." Shiarrael cut him off and held the ISD up for him to see "I have received the list of names- however, it has been altered. What were once forty-five names, magically became forty-four. Do you know the reasoning behind this?"

His slightly protruding adam's apple grew for a brief second as he seemed to swallow "Well you see Galae'EnRiov, there was a mistake with the vetting of the original candidates. It is my fault truly." He lowered his head "once the error was noticed I had my officers quickly rectify the situation. I did not wish to bother you with such a minor matter…"

Minor? Her eyes narrowed, finding his story believable but annoying none-the-less. "What was the reason the candidate was ruled inadequate?"

"His family history." Tr'Haerhru seemed to relax his posture. "His mother was unfortunately a vang'radam."

"And his record? Was there anything in his personnel file that would make him unfit to command the Aylhr?" I was once a vang'radam you fool, she thought further annoyed. "Is it not your mission to make sure candidates are vetted accurately and fairly based on merit? So, what was it in his personnel record that ruled him ineligible for a command position?"

"I…" His voice trailed off into the silence as he stared at Shiarrael, the tension returning to his face. "We…"

"So, nothing except family history?" She stared at him "well, why can't you speak?"

"It was considered a paramount matter. The Senator had ex-" he stopped, and his eyes widened. "Excuse me, I just misspoke. We had an extreme amount of concern about the matter."

"Ah." Shiarrael nodded her head "I see now. Senator, was it?" Her eyes turned to daggers as she glowered at tr'Haerhru "who is the Senator?" She held up the ISD at him and then slammed it into the carpeted flooring where it bounced up instead of shattering as she intended. With a grimace she sighed "I suggest you not mislead me Khre'Riov. You are quite near retirement. It would be a shame if you ended up in an eastern penal colony for insubordination. Who is the Senator you spoke to? Understand, I will receive a full copy of your communications history from the Tal'Diann to verify this information. So, speak now before I finally lose all my patience."

"Jhu tr'Pardek." He said "I did not mean to mislead you Galae'EnRiov I just…"

"I see. Very well. Understand this and understand it clearly. I am appointing Rhae'go tr'Neyl as Commander of the IRW Aylhr. Make sure this is recorded and forwarded through all proper channels. Also, I seem to remember him being given a promotion to Riov. Make sure that was properly recorded. Understood?" As soon as his head bobbed in surprised acknowledgement Shiarrael slid her hand abruptly through the holographic screen causing it to fizzle away into oblivion. She was completely disinterested in hearing anything further from tr'Haerhru and would deal with him more later. However, Jhu t'Pardek was another matter entirely. The name was quickly recognized by Shiarrael. The powerful Senator was the Chairman of the Continuing Committee. Why would she interfere with his appointment? She was a Zorek. Did they still hold a grudge? She needed to find out. Moving to the couch she threw herself down and rubbed her temples. She was sure this would turn into a political headache "why are you so stubborn Shiarrael?" she wondered out loud.

[To be continued...]

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